Level 4: GO!

At this precise moment four years ago, I was sneaking in a final little nap while waiting in the hospital bed for the midwife to take me for a c-section. It was as if I knew that the (not so) little whirlwind about to come into my life would require as many cat naps as I could manage.

At 12:50pm you joined the world. All 10lb 7.5oz of you. The Boy. The man in my life. The car-obsessed, routine-remembering, sleep-loving, handsome, hungry chap. And now look! You might have aged me more than the years you’ve been holding my hand, but today you are most definitely 4.

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The Boy turns 1!

Blue Cupcake and Candle

Happy birthday, buddy!

So now it’s your turn. One. 12 months that were a mixed bag of long hours and short months, and here we are a year on from our frantic family life of 3 to find that that wasn’t frantic at all. That was a walk in the park… Continue reading

The One for Bear’s Birthday

happy-birthday-cupcakeHello, it’s been a while…

I’m a bit rusty and out of practice with this blogging business, but I can’t keep putting it off. Which is what I have been doing because I always wanted the blog to make people smile, and I haven’t felt very smiley.

Tomorrow Bear turns 4, and a month today The Boy turns 1. Both massive milestones that I reckon need to be documented somewhere, because amidst the chaos of the last 12 months I am still standing. I have more grey hairs and I definitely drink more gin than ever before, but I am definitely still standing (or sitting on my backside with a glass of wine, but let’s not go into details).

A year ago today I was SO pregnant, massive, waddly and all sorts of moody. Little did I know that the proceeding four weeks were going to be the most normal me I would feel for quite some time. Because last September, things went a bit weird… Continue reading

2016: A mixed bag


This time last year I didn’t really feel like gin. I know, shock horror.

While it was too early to do a test, and too early to get our hopes up, I had an inkling that I was pregnant. I was unjustifiably tired, I had heartburn from a glass of water, and I didn’t fancy gin. Something was definitely amiss. Continue reading

A (sort of) open letter to me


When we went along to our first NCT meeting when I was pregnant with Bear, they asked us to each list 3 things that we like or enjoy. One of those “let’s all get to know each other” things (at a pretty sensible and respectable level, unlike 3 years later when us 8 Mums know WAY more than we probably need to know about one another).

On my list were 3 things I like – gin, chocolate and lists. Yes, lists. Continue reading